Donation of medical equipment

K&H családi vállalatok kiválósági díj 2019
"Technokov Forging and Pressing Ltd.
The company, which was formerly Ganz-MÁVAG, believes that continuous improvement is the key to a successful long-term strategy. This is demonstrated by the fact that since the company's almost 30 years of existence, turnover has increased year on year and the market and product range have been constantly expanding. In addition, the strategy has stood the test of the crisis, where the company has made improvements rather than cut staff, doubling its turnover in the 10 years since 2008 and placing it among the leading tank bottom manufacturers in Europe."

Hikari Dojo
Our company has supported the Hikari Dojo for decades. This association has raised hundreds of young people in a culture, spirit and community of which we can be justly proud.